About "The Dance"

The Dance, A Story of Love, Faith and Survival debuted on Amazon on June 13, 2015 and with four days climbed to the “Number 1 Hot New Release” spot. All thirty-five U.S. and multiple U.K. Amazon reviews have received a 5-Star rating. “I think the amazing sucessess of the book”, Joan says, “is due to the love people have for our Lord. People truly want to believe in miracles. And we like to be reminded of the power we possess to positively change someone else’s life each and every day!
“If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.”
Psalm 95
It’s been suggested by many people that I write this story. I believe it to be the Holy Spirit at work through them. I have attempted to complete this (The Dance) manuscript for over twenty-five years, but my frequent ill-health, computer crashes (causing me to lose the entire story – twice!), and my poor typing skills, due to the strokes I’ve suffered, have placed almost insurmountable obstacles in my way.
The original intent to put this story on paper was a a form of therapy. But I now feel the desire to share my discoveries with others, in hopes they too will be inspired to live their lives to the fullest.